Dashboard Featuring HDFC Listings in March 2023 Built with R Shiny/ShinyDashboard

(For the README file, code, and csv file please click here.)

Executive Summary

In March 2023, I was working on a larger project about affordable housing in NYC, and as part of it, I collected all the available HDFC (Housing Development Fund Corporation) co-op unit listings on StreetEasy.com. I wanted to create a dashboard that showed a map with all the unit locations plus important details of the listings, such as minimum, maximum, and mean of particular indicators.

Tools Used

  • Programming language: R

  • Google Maps API (to geocode addresses to longitude, latitude)


1) Collecting data from StreetEasy.com

First, I collected the data from streeteasy.com - where I selected the 5 boroughs under "location" as well as "income-restricted" under "more" filters - and ended up with 196 addresses.

2) Removing incomplete data

However, I knew that for each address I wanted to have the monthly maintenance fee information as well as the maximum Area Median Income (AMI) allowed for an applicant to qualify to purchase the unit, and I noticed some of the units did not list AMI or maintenance fee info. After removing these addresses, I was left with 160 addresses, which can be seen in the file hdfc.csv.

3) Geocoding addresses

Then, I used the Google Maps API to geocode the addresses, which create new "lon" and "lat" columns and added them to the dataset, which I exported as a new csv file to use for the dashboard.

4) Designing the dashboard

I decided that at the top of the dashboard, I would show what I felt were the most important details surrounding the data, including the:

  • total of number units

  • minimum and maximum sale price

  • average, minimum, and maximum monthly maintenance fee

  • average, minimum, and maximum of the max. Area Median Income (AMI) allowed for a purchaser to qualify for the unit

Then, underneath the indicators, I wanted to show a map plotting all the units, which I did using leaflet, and I configured the popups to include all the important details of each unit. To the right of the map you see a histogram concerning the number of bedrooms in this particular dataset.


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